A 39-year-old woman who attended the premiere of the actor Allu Arjun’s new movie Pushpa 2 According to the Times of India, one person died in Hyderabad after a stampede at the scene. The incident took place outside Sandhya Theater on Wednesday evening. It is said that after the crowd got out of control, the police present at the scene resorted to baton charge.
A woman and a child fainted due to a stampede. After the woman fainted, police personnel performed CPR on her and the child and rushed them to the hospital, PTI reported on Wednesday evening. The report also said that there was a “huge crowd” at the venue as people thronged to see the movie star. According to police officials, the theater had the capacity to hold a large crowd on bot. Police officials said they “used mild force to disperse the growing crowd.”
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According to a video shared by ANI, the police can be seen lathi-charged while trying to control the crowd.
# Look | Telangana: Fans of actor Allu Arjun throng Hyderabad’s Sandhya Theater ahead of the premiere show of his film ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’ tonight. The police resorted to light baton charge to control the crowd. pic.twitter.com/jhRvfB7D3m
— ANI (@ANI) December 4, 2024
# Look | Hyderabad, Telangana Actors Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna at Sandhya Theater for their film ‘Pushpa 2: Watched the premiere show of ‘The Rule’. pic.twitter.com/MiuaY74DZ7
— ANI (@ANI) December 4, 2024
Allu Arjun waved to his fans outside the theatre, and security was beefed up at the venue while he was inside. Later, when he tried to leave the venue, his car was surrounded by a sea of fans. He climbed out of the sunroof of his car and asked the fans to move aside so he could get out.