Shobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya tied the knot at Annapura Studios in Hyderabad on Wednesday. In the ritual that lasted for hours, the bride and groom wore different clothes. Actor Nagarjuna, Chaitanya’s father, shared a photo of the newlyweds on X and expressed his happiness. In the picture she shared, Sovita wore a luxurious antique gold saree with real gold zari, and the groom complemented her perfectly with a madhuparkam dress (a traditional white pancha with a bold red border). A new video of the couple dressed in white and red has been shared online.
In the new video, Naga Chaitanya Shobhita Dhulipala wearing a white kurta and pancha can be seen with a mangalsutra tied around her neck. The video also features Nagarjuna, Venkatesh Daggubati and Daggubati Suresh Babu. Recently engaged Akhil Akkineni was also present, who could be seen whistling his brother’s wedding to express his excitement. In the video, Shobhita Dhulipala is also shown to be emotional after Chaitanya ties the mangalsutra around her neck. For this she wore a traditional white saree with a red border. She complimented her look with traditional temple gold jewellery.
Look at their happy faces
Much love to both…
Happy married life,😍❤️ Anna and Vadina @chay_akkineni and @sobhitaD #Choose #Nagachaitanya #Shobhitadhulipala— NagaChaitanya_Fan❤️ (@chay_rohit_fan) December 5, 2024
Soon after the wedding ceremony, the Akkineni family shared a statement. It read, “The Akkineni family is delighted to announce the marriage of Naga Chaitanya and Sovita Dhulipala in a grand and traditional Telugu wedding held at the prestigious Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad, featuring an exquisite temple-themed setup.”
Read this also Naga Chaitanya-Shobhita Dhulipala wedding first photo: Nagarjuna welcomes Shobhita with pen note, ANR remembers during celebrations
It further read, “The wedding, held at the auspicious time of 8:13 pm, was a stunning display of Telugu tradition, with rituals conducted under the guidance of elders.”
Charan Anna at Naga Chaitanya wedding 😍@Sadhai Ramcharan @chay_akkineni #Ramcharan #Ramcharan #Ramcharan #Ramcharan Rebellion @AlwayzRamCharan @The_RamCharanFC
– Always Ram (@AlwaysRam2230) December 4, 2024
Speaking about the grand wedding, Nagarjuna said in a statement: “This wedding is a deeply meaningful moment for our family. My heart is filled with great pride and gratitude as Chhaya and Shovita begin their journey at Annapurna Studios surrounded by the love of family and friends. A celebration of togetherness that reflects the values my father stood for – family, honor and unity. It is a moment of great joy for all of us to see them begin this beautiful chapter, and indeed for us to witness it We feel blessed.”
Presenting a lively and heartwarming performance of Telugu wedding traditions, the ceremony continued till 1 am with rituals.