Girls Will Be Girls is all set to premiere in India on December 18. On Wednesday, Prime Video announced the streaming date for the critically acclaimed film. Starring newcomers Preeti Panigrahi and Keshav Vinay Kiran in lead roles along with Kani Kusruti, the film is an Indo-French joint production. It is jointly produced under Richa Chadda-Ali Fazal’s banner Pushing Button Studios, and French production houses Dolce Vita Films and Crawling Angel Films.
Girls Will Be Girls had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival. It was critically acclaimed at several film festivals including the Toronto International Film Festival, Cannes and MAMI.
Speaking about her first production venture, Richa Chadha said, “Girls Will Be Girls is a film that captures the raw and authentic experiences of young adults, exploring the challenges of adulthood and reflecting the rebellious spirit of adolescence, where there are inter-generational conflicts and struggles. is normal for freedom. We are thrilled that the universal theme of our dream project resonated with audiences across the globe.” She added, “With the film now set for an exclusive digital release on Prime Video in India, we are excited to reach audiences across the country who can find their own journey echoing in Meera’s story.”
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Ali Fazal said that this film is very special for his wife and him. He said, ‘This is our first project as a producer. A lot of heart, passion, and hard work went into bringing this vision to life, making it a journey of great learning and growth. The unprecedented response from international audiences has motivated us immensely, encouraging us to continue our passion for delivering unique stories.
Girls Will Be Girls won two awards at the Sundance Film Festival – The Audience Award and the Special Jury Award for Acting. It also won the Grand Jury Prize at the Indian Film Festival in Los Angeles, Best Film at the Jakarta International Festival and Biarritz Film Festival, and the Transylvania Trophy for Best Film at the Transylvania International Film Festival. The film also received four awards at MAMI.
Directed by Shuchi Talati, Girls Will Be Girls is all set to stream on December 18.
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