Chef Neha Deepak Shah recently shared her experience of relief after consuming homemade cough syrup. the orange And some kitchen spices. According to MasterChef India The final, concoction “worked well for me.”
“I didn’t feel very well last week and tried this at home, and it helped me recover immediately,” said Shah, “One spoonful of this every 4 to 5 hours for 3 days (make fresh one every day) and see the magic. “.
1 – the orange
1 teaspoon – salt
Half teaspoon – Turmeric
A pinch of black pepper
A pinch of cinnamon
Cut off the top of the orange and drill a hole to extract the juice and pulp. Heat the orange with a cover. Add each spice and salt. Once it is hot, switch off the flame to avoid burning it.
Cool the oranges before adding the honey for best results.
Does it work?
Dr Narendra Sinhala, Chief Consultant, Internal Medicine, CK Birla Hospital, Delhi, said orange juice mixed with turmeric and other spices can be an effective natural remedy for cough.
“Curcumin in Turmeric, a Compound With powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that boost immune function. When combined with the immune-boosting vitamin C in orange juice, turmeric helps reduce throat inflammation and fight infection, reducing cough symptoms,’ said Dr Singla.
He added that ginger, another common addition to this remedy, has natural anti-inflammatory properties that aid in further relief. inflammation and calm the throat.
How do you consume it for optimal results?
For best results, consume heat to maximize this mixture Soothing effectsAnd adjust the spice level according to your taste and sensitivity, suggests Dr Sinhala. “This remedy can also be supplemented with natural cough suppressants like honey and lemon for added benefits,” he said.
However, Jinal Patel, dietician at Genova Shalbi Hospital Mumbai, says that while promising, it does not help cure cough.
“Instead, it can make your cough and symptoms worse. Oranges are a citrus food that is usually high in acidity. Eating oranges when you have a persistent cough can irritate the throat and increase sensitivity, making it harder to heal. Adding spices like black pepper and cinnamon to oranges can also help with more Turmeric and honey are often praised for their range of health benefits when consumed in large amounts or frequently, but when these ingredients are acidic, such as black pepper And mixed with strong spices, it may not work for everyone,” Patel told
This blend works by combining immune-boosting nutrients with natural anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. “While turmeric and ginger have proven health benefits, the effectiveness of this specific mixture against cough depends on the type and severity of the condition. For example, a mild cough caused by a cold may benefit more from this remedy than one caused by an allergy or infection,” says Physico Diet and Aesthetic Clinic founder Dietician Vidhi Chawla said.
Dr. Sinhala said that it is necessary to consult a health worker if the cough develops or increases over time.
Orange juice with turmeric and spices is not a guaranteed cure, “It can be a useful addition to your diet for mild cough relief and overall health. For persistent or severe symptoms, consultation with a healthcare professional is important,” Chawla said.
Disclaimer: This article is based on information from the public domain and/or experts we spoke to. Always consult your health practitioner before starting any routine.